Who Are We?

The VNGMG brings together the Virginia National Guard Association, Virginia Air/Army National Guard Enlisted Association, and Virginia National Guard Historical Foundation. The VNGMG is a 501c(3) entity, so one tax-deductible contribution supports all constituent organizations.

The VNGMG supports the interests of Virginia National Guard (both Army and Air) service members, families, and retirees.

What We Do:

  • Annual Conference. Every year, our members and families gather for fellowship, professional development, and education. This is the prime opportunity for corporate partners to make displays or presentations to our members.
  • Outreach. Individuals and small groups engage with members, families, friends, and occasionally elected officials on topics of mutual interest (e.g., veterans benefits, emergency assistance, legal and fiscal issues, preserving our history).
  • Quarterly Meetings. The elected leadership teams of the VNGMG and the constituent organizations meet at least quarterly to handle the business of the organization.
  • National Association Events. The VNGA and VaA/ANGEA have additional events through their national organizations.