Issue #16 of the 2021 Commonwealth’s Guardian bi-weekly newsletter

Virginia National Guard ends COVID-19 response mission

Posted By VNG Staff Writer

Posted August 13, 2021

Category - VANG Publication

Virginia National Guard ends COVID-19 response mission

The Virginia National Guard’s support to Virginia’s COVID-19 response ended July 31, 2021, after more than 460 days of assisting with vaccinations, testing and administrative, logistics and planning support at locations across the state.

“I couldn’t be more proud of the tremendous effort from our Soldiers, Airmen, members of the VDF and state and federal civilian workforce in their support to the COVID-19 response,” said Maj. Gen. Timothy P. Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia. “We also can’t thank our families and employers enough for everything they have done to make sure our personnel could focus on their missions.

”During COVID-19 response operations, nearly 600 VNG Soldiers and Airmen and members of the Virginia Defense Force completed more than 1,100 missions to help keep their fellow Virginians safe during the global pandemic.

“The hundreds of Virginia National Guard members mobilized over the past 16 months to assist with Virginia’s efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 have been critical to fighting the pandemic,” said State Health Commissioner Dr. M. Norman Oliver.


Virginia National Guard ends COVID-19 response mission

Virginia National Guard Soldiers conduct a mobile vaccination mission on board international ships in Norfolk, Virginia.